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Harper H

Harper decreased her anxiety around food selection and gained confidence managing her condition going forward

Before I started working with my dietician, I sort of knew or had an idea of things that I needed to improve on but I was extremely confused how to and didn't have the consistency to implement those things.

There were so many things I didn't know how to do or overcome. I used to be fatigued, skipping meals, not sleeping properly and didn't have any exercise/stress management ritual. Working with her helped me understand the things I should be implementing. In terms of food and restrictions, she really helped relieve my anxiety about what to eat and how I can improvise to make meals more interesting.

"She always listened patiently and it felt amazing to interact with a dietician who also has IBD and completely understands the struggle."

Since I started working with my dietician, I have implemented a morning stress management routine, a relaxing nighttime routine before bed that helps me sleep, and improved consistency of my bowel movements by increasing fiber intake. Instead of resorting to prednisone every-time I would have loose bowels with blood sometimes, I managed to improve my symptoms and go back to normal stools by increasing fiber in my meals.

I also started exercising at least three times a week consistently which is a big thing for me. This program really helped me streamline my goals and enabled me to have the confidence of doing what I know is best for me first instead of going straight to steroids. I cannot thank her enough for that.

My dietician was super kind and has great suggestions for any questions you might ask. She always listened patiently and it felt amazing to interact with a dietician who also has IBD and completely understands the struggle. 

If you struggle with what to do, and need help to have an idea of where to start, you should definitely work with Romanwell. My dietitian really helped me change my mindset towards food and wellness, and that has made all the difference. :)

All client names and photographs have been changed to protect their privacy.

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